by Cool-Tite | Apr 1, 2015 | Photos
We were still recovering from the Burgerama hangover, but judging by the show put on by The Coathangers and Shannon and The Clams Tuesday night at The Echo, everyone was alive and kickin’. It was a sold out show, and certainly felt that way. The Coathangers brought... by Cool-Tite | Mar 25, 2015 | Contests, Shows
We are doing our very first Cool-Tite ticket giveaway! Head over to our Instagram for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see JEFF the Brotherhood this Friday, March 27 at The Troubadour. We’ll announce the winner at noon on Friday (day of show).And take a listen to... by Cool-Tite | Mar 23, 2015 | Shows
(+++ Burgerama III 3.22.2014 +++)THE COOLEST, TITEST HAPPENINGS THIS WEEK! Tuesday, March 24, 2015- Gang of Four @ The El Rey. $30 bones. 8pm.- Yonatan Gat (of Monotonix) @ The Smell. $5 bones. 9pm.Wednesday, March 25, 2015- Palma Violets with No Parents. $15... by Cool-Tite | Mar 18, 2015 | Playlist
If you’re like us, you’re probably starting to itch real bad in excitement for this year’s Burgerama 4! So we thought we’d help take you from itchy to FRISKY for fun with 69 select tracks from the artists who will be storming Burger-town (The Observatory OC) March... by Cool-Tite | Mar 16, 2015 | Shows
(+++ John Doe and Exene Cervenka of X +++)THE COOLEST, TITEST HAPPENINGS THIS WEEK! Monday, March 16, 2015- Kevin Seconds (7 Seconds) with Johnny Madcap and Bradley Riot @ Los Globos. $6 bones. 8pm.Tuesday, March 17, 2015- Monster Smash feat. Liphemra, LA Drones,...