RIP Jay Reatard: 5 Years Passed

Hard to believe it’s been five years since we lost one of the most entertaining and talented musicians of our time. Five years ago today, Jay Reatard was found dead in his Memphis home and the world lost the face of modern garage punk. Beginning with The...

Gift Ideas for the Cool-Tite at Heart

We here at Cool-Tite thought we should help you out with some great, thoughtful gift ideas that will help keep any family member or friend cool and tite!  +++ Burger Button Burger Records.  Under $5 bones. +++ Ain’t no denying the magic that Fullerton’s...


Let’s face it, Black Friday is the worst. But not when there is special edition vinyl involved! Here are some #RSDBF releases that make it worth getting out of bed this Friday. Check out the whole list here. And support your local record stores!  ...