MOURN at Bootleg Theater | Cool-Tite

Photos by Sergio Estrada (35mm)

Haven’t written a post in awhile. Let’s fix that. For my 31st birthday this year, I wanted to do two things: hang with my friends and see MOURN. On Saturday, July 28, this Leo baby and the homies met up at Bar Caló, a cute, new mezcal / Mexico City style bar in Echo Park. We enjoyed the LA sunset on velvety, maroon seats, had some apps, and drank some drAnks before heading over to the Bootleg Theater. We got there in time to say what’s up to Kyle from Sid the Cat and grab a beer, wine for me always. Going to a Sid the Cat show, you know you’re going home with well designed and thoughtful promo takeaways, like matchbooks, stickers, or a packet of seeds perhaps. French Vanilla (LA) and Chastity (Canada) were the evenings openers, with MOURN (Barcelona) headlining. MOURN is a young, four-piece band hailing from Barcelona, Spain, specifically, the city of Cabrils. They are a super talented group made up of Carla Pérez Vas (singer and guitarist), Jazz Rodríguez Bueno (singer and guitarist), Antonio Postius (drummer), and Leia Rodríguez (bassist). They were on tour promoting their latest full-length album, Sorpresa Familia (on Captured Tracks). I was most excited to hear a few songs, including “Otitis” and “Barcelona City Tour”. But everything they played sounded amazing live. I realize I’m not that great at describing music or live performances. If my hips move, head bobs, and my mind let’s go a little, for me, that’s a cool show. Can’t “band was sick”, “dope energy” or “was so much fun!” be enough? I don’t play music (that well), but I appreciate how much work and practice it takes to sound good. These kids have been at it since 2014 and are on their way to becoming a solid band in the scene. Keep an eye out for them at upcoming US and Euro festivals that I’m sure they’ll be playing.

I drunkenly introduced myself to the band after the show (they were so nice!), bought some merch, and then we called a car back to Highland Park. I feel lucky to be able to see shows with my Cool-Tite fam, meet new people, and exist in this beautiful city we call home. Even though I’m not always the person I want to be, being around the people, music, and things I like, makes me feel more me. Striving for more of that in my life lately. Cheers to another birthday down, to more shows, and to wine.



French Vanilla

